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Unplanned Downtime

Reducing Downtime

You need to reduce unplanned downtime before its negative impacts decimate your productivity, efficiency and profitability. With RS Industria, you’ll be empowered to liberate, collect, map and analyse data from all assets – rapidly leading to dramatically improved uptime.

Our Results


Reduction in site energy consumption within just a few weeks


Tonnes of CO2 saved per year


Increase in production units a year

What We Do

RS Industria gives you the ultimate insight into asset condition and performance, immediately highlighting component operating issues and faults. This empowers your maintenance team to quickly intercept and treat impending issues, before your machinery experiences a catastrophic breakdown.

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How We Do It

This is a complete, packaged service that connects your assets to our cloud reporting and management platform – quickly and easily. In doing so, RS Industria creates a single point of real-time asset operating information: on desktop, tablet or mobile. Condition-monitoring alerts can then be sent to relevant personnel, while built-in checklists help identify and solve the underlying root causes. All the while, you’ll have access to innovative digital tools that help you drive continuous improvement in asset reliability, together with access to reliability experts and other specialist services.

Learn about reliability

Case Studies

Your Journey

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Your Success

With RS Industria, you’ll experience ongoing value that delivers success - month after month, year after year. This includes extensive access to training, as well as ongoing support underpinned by RS expertise, which impels continual improvement.

Learn how

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Discover More

If you're looking to improve your manufacturing operations, RS Industria is here to help. Let us provide you with the visibility you need to take your operations to the next level.

Speak to a specialist